camping cup / emaille cup
A PBR game ready prop with 3 LODs and multiple texture packs for your clean and lovely home or if you prefer the outdoors with a bit of decay. This is not your cup of coffee, because you prefer a red colored cup with your logo on it? No Problem. Just chance the color in the ID psd file and create your own base color texture.
- 3 LODs Mashes in FBX and OBJ Format with Y up and the following Polycount:
- LOD0 = 9.428 Tris
- LOD1 = 2.322 Tris
- LOD2 = 1.086 Tris
- clean and used texture variations in 1024x1024 resolution with:
- BaseColor (simple white / logo / flower pattern) .png
- AmbientOcclusion.png
- Metallic.png
- Roughness.png
- Normal.png
- ARM.png (with AO in R / Roughness in G / Metallic in B)
- psd file containing folders for the used and clean version of the base color with IDs for:
- inside of the cup
- outside of the cup
- edge/frame of the cup